Abiding Light

Discovering Hope After Sudden Death

The sudden loss of a loved one can leave family and friends shrouded in grief. Abiding Light encourages those grieving this kind of loss, as well as offers help for the community who supports them.

Welcome, friend!

As an educator & writer, I delight in sharing adventures – the everyday, the extraordinary & everything in between.

I help students, parents (and yes, sometimes other teachers and coaches) create sustainable plans to enhance the high school experience with greater enjoyment AND pinpoint plans for scholarship pursuit.

I can help awaken a delight for lifelong learning, help your student manage academic & extracurricular pursuits, and create a personal work ethic that builds character and gives them a sense of accomplishment.

I’ve also got a new book coming out soon and will be sharing details about that in my newsletter.

Join my mailing list to receive tips and strategies via email, and connect with me on social media for regular encouragement!